Contact us to discuss your gift wrap requirements, ask questions about a particular gift wrap design, or to request samples.
Submit the form below, and someone will respond to your request as soon as possible.
By Phone
Call us toll-free at 877.222.2097. If you get voice mail please do leave a message; we are very good about getting back to our customers and answering inquiries. We will promptly return your call.
By Email
Send us a message at We are quick to respond and have found it to be an effective way to handle many inquires.
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Mailing & Shipping:
Enhance Marketing, Inc.
Attn: Mr Gift Wrap
396 Coastal View Drive
Webster, NY 14580
Phone – Fax – Email:
877.222.2097 Toll Free
585.265.1260 Local
585.265.1235 Fax